My Business Story
Every business owner has a story behind them on how and why they decided to open shop. Each individual is unique and different in their own way. My story and reasoning all started as a child in elementary school. As a young child I had difficulties at home and at school. We found out that I have a learning disability where I needed extra patience and help while doing schoolwork. Also, we found out around the same time I have ADHD and bipolar disorder. Throughout school it was hard for me and my family to coupe with. Over the years each teacher I have had kept telling me I would not make it in life, paying attention and doing actual work was not in my nature. As years went by, I always was ready for pictures when I saw someone with a camera. Once I got my first cell phone with a camera, I was always taking pictures any chance I got. Once I hit high school, my flip phones turned into a smart phone with amazing camera quality. I started picking up more love for picture taken and trying to use different filters on my phone. I guess with all that in my head my schoolwork was far out of my mind that I was told repeatedly that I would not graduate. The last semester of my senior year I had to stay after school each day just to be able to graduate with my class. Speed up to 2018, I went out on FMLA due to needing a knee procedure that put me out of work for 6 months and included physical therapy three times a week for three months. While I was on slim activity until further notice from my doctor, I decided to take up photography. So with that being said, I completed an online photography course and received a camera bundle for my birthday that same year. With talking to family and friends, I decided to start working towards making a business out of something I enjoy and know I can do. I started doing more research on the business side of photography to be able to start a Plan to take it the next step. Within in a few months I started creating a portfolio, social media accounts and spreading the word on my new business. I started slowly getting booked by family / friends who support me and my ideas. The photos I took of family and friends I used in my portfolio and started a website. Finally, with all social media, my website and word of mouth I started receiving more notice. I have been invited to vendor events within New Castle County during the summer of 2020/2021. With that being said, its more of a point I want to prove to all who have told me I would not make it anywhere in life. Another point I have proven is to myself. Even with my disabilities and medical disorders, I can still over come and be anything I put my mind too.
-Shelby Doyle
Shel-Shel D Photography
“The dream becomes reality”